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Lesson Plans

Second Placement - High school/ middle school 

Social Justice -Highschool Drawing

My first lesson in my second placement was my social justice lesson. Within this lesson I wanted to make sure it was something that would not cause any problems with the students and parents. In order for this to happen, I was able to collaborate with the history and government teacher who informed me that they had learned and discussed the preamble of the Constitution which goes off of the definition of social justice. With this, I had incorporated the preamble within the lesson and had them discuss the definition of social justice with the preamble. For their project I had them create an allegory based on the definition of social justice using value and a limited color pallet in order for them to understand more of color theory. They seemed to be confused on value so I had given them worksheets and practice in order for them to understand. Their final projects were mixed media. 

Landscapes- middle school painting

The second lesson I did in this placement was in the middle school painting class where they were beginning to learn aboout landscapes. This being an intro into their next project, I wanted to teach them about the logistics of landscapes and techniques. Before the lesson, I gave them an exit ticket the day before in order to see what they had already known such as foreground, midground, and background as well as the rule of thirds. On the day of the lesson, I began having some discussion on other landscape paintings from Henry O Tanner and Van Gough. I then discussed  the foreground, midground, and background which the students seemed to fully understand. I then got into the rule of thirds and had the students create the rule of thirds on the canvases I passed out to them. After that, we had all created the same landscape together having the students watching me first on painting the background and them following. This was just for them to understand the process of creating a landscape once they do it on their own. 

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